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Making TidierPlots.jl

If you're unfamiliar, TidierPlots is my attempt to build a more modern-feeling, 100% julia version of the popular R data visualization package ggplot2. This is my first julia package, and I have already made quite a few mistakes in developing it. This series of posts will walk through my experience of transforming a script into a package, the problems I've had, and the solutions I've come up with so far.

Version 1

To start, I want to show you the basic idea of the package, as it existed when I first wrote out the original script. The 100-or-so lines of julia I had were enough to get something like a minimal working example going:

test_plot = @ggplot(data = penguins, aes(color = species)) +
    @geom_point(aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)) +
    @geom_smooth(aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm),
        method = "lm")


At the risk of over-explaining, lets look at what is happening here. First, the @ggplot call is calling this code to create a ggplot:

struct ggplot

function extract_aes(geom)
    aes_dict = Dict{String, Symbol}()
    args_dict = Dict{String, Any}()

    for section in geom
        if section isa Expr
            # if the section is an expression
            # check if it is a aes function call
            if section.args[1] == :aes
                for aes_ex in section.args
                    if aes_ex isa Expr
                        aes_dict[String(aes_ex.args[1])] = aes_ex.args[2]
            # if not, its a generic argument
                args_dict[String(section.args[1])] = section.args[2]

    return (aes_dict, args_dict)

macro ggplot(exprs...)
    aes_dict, args_dict = extract_aes(:($(exprs)))

    haskey(args_dict, "height") ?
        height = args_dict["height"] :
        height = 400

    haskey(args_dict, "width") ?
        width = args_dict["width"] :
        width = 600

    haskey(args_dict, "data") ?
        plot_data = args_dict["data"] :
        plot_data = nothing

    ggplot([], aes_dict,
            AlgebraOfGraphics.data(Base.eval(Main, plot_data)),
            (height = height, width = width))

In a diagram, what's going on is this:

│ @ggplot |(data = penguins, aes(color = species)) │
     │                       │
     │ defaults              │ extract_aes
     │                       │
     │   ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
     └───| aes_dict: "color" => "species"          │
         │ args_dict: "data" => "penguins"         │
         │            "height" => 400              │
         │            "width" => 600               │
                             │ returns
          ggplot object      │
         | geoms = []  # empty, currently          │
         │ default_aes: "color" => "species"       │
         │ plot_data: penguins                     │
         │ axis: (height = 400, width = 600)       │

The extract_aes function pulls the arguments into a dictionary, combines them with defaults as appropriate, and the @ggplot macro finally returns a ggplot object.

Similar code creates geom objects:

struct geom
    visual::Union{Symbol, Nothing}

macro geom_point(exprs...)
    geom_visual = :Scatter
    aes_dict, args_dict = extract_aes(:($(exprs)))
    analysis = nothing
    required_aes = ["x", "y"]
    return geom(geom_visual, aes_dict, args_dict, nothing, required_aes)
│ @geom_point | (aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)) │
     │                       │
     │ defaults              │ extract_aes
     │                       │
     │    ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
     │    | aes_dict: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       │
     │    │           "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        │
     │    └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
     │                        │
     │                        │ returns
     │     geom_point_object  │
     │    ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
     │    | visual = :Scatter                       │
     │    │ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"            │
     │    │      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"             │
     └─── │ args: Dict()                            │
          │ analysis: nothing                       │
          │ required_aes: ["x", "y"]                │
macro geom_smooth(exprs...)
    geom_visual = nothing
    aes_dict, args_dict = extract_aes(:($(exprs)))
    analysis = AlgebraOfGraphics.smooth
    required_aes = ["x", "y"]
    if haskey(args_dict, "method")
        if args_dict["method"] == "lm"
            analysis = AlgebraOfGraphics.linear
    return geom(geom_visual, aes_dict, args_dict, analysis, required_aes)
│ @geom_smooth | (aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm),│
│              │ method = "lm")                              │
     │                       │
     │ defaults              │ extract_aes
     │                       │
     │    ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
     │    | aes_dict: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       │
     │    │           "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        │
     │    │ args_dict: "method" => "lm"             │
     │    └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
     │                        │
     │                        │ returns
     │     geom_smooth_object │
     │    ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
     │    | visual = nothing                        │
     │    │ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"            │
     │    │      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"             │
     └─── │ args: "method" => "lm"                  │
          │ analysis: AlgebraOfGraphics.linear      │
          │ required_aes: ["x", "y"]                │

The extract_aes function pulls the arguments into a dictionary, combines them with defaults as appropriate, and the @geom_* macro finally returns a geom object.

With our objects created, we need a method to combine them. The following method to adds things to a ggplot, which essentially just adds any geom to an internal array inside the ggplot:

function Base.:+(x::ggplot, y...)::ggplot
    result = ggplot(vcat(x.geoms, [i for i in y]),

    return result

The result of our addition is something like this:

ggplot object
| geoms =                              │
│| visual = nothing                   ││
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: "method" => "lm"             ││
││ analysis: AlgebraOfGraphics.linear ││
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│| visual = :Scatter                  ││
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: Dict()                       ││
││ analysis: nothing                  ││
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│                                      │
│ default_aes: "color" => "species"    │
│ plot_data: penguins                  │
│ axis: (height = 400, width = 600)    │

In order to actually plot this object, I needed a way to convert the geom objects into AlgebraOfGraphics Layer objects:

function geom_to_layer(geom)
    mapping_args = (geom.aes[key] for key in geom.required_aes)

    layer = data(eval(geom.args["data"])) *

    if !isnothing(geom.analysis)
        layer = layer * (geom.analysis)()

    if !isnothing(geom.visual)
        layer = layer * visual(eval(geom.visual))

    if haskey(geom.aes, "color")
        layer = layer * mapping(color = geom.aes["color"])

    return layer

And finally, some basic inheritance rules to make it work the way ggplot does:

function draw_ggplot(plot::ggplot)
    for geom in plot.geoms
        # if data is not specified at the geom level
        #  use the ggplot default
        if !haskey(geom.args, "data")
            geom.args["data"] = plot.data

        # if an aes isn't given in the geom, use the ggplot aes
        for aes in keys(plot.default_aes)
            if !haskey(geom.aes, aes)
                geom.aes[aes] = plot.default_aes[aes]

    layers = []

    for geom in plot.geoms
        push!(layers, geom_to_layer(geom))

    if length(layers) == 0
        error("No geoms supplied")
    elseif length(layers) == 1
        draw(layers[1]; axis = plot.axis)
        draw((+)(layers...); axis = plot.axis)

Algebra of Graphics plots need four parts: Visual, Analysis, Data, and Mapping. Each required part is extracted preferentially from the geom, and from the ggplot if it isn't present. Mapping is constructed by passing the "required_aes" in order as positional arguments, and non-required aes as keyword arguments.

ggplot object
| geoms =                              │
│| visual = nothing                   ││
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm" ──────┼┼─┬── mapping(:bill_length_mm,
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"  ──────┼┼─┤           :bill_depth_mm;
││ args: "method" => "lm"             ││ │           color = :species)
││ analysis: AlgebraOfGraphics.linear ││ │
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]     ──────┼┼─┤
│└────────────────────────────────────┘│ │
│┌────────────────────────────────────┐│ │
│| visual = :Scatter                  ││ │
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││ │
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││ │
││ args: Dict()                       ││ │
││ analysis: nothing                  ││ │
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││ │
│└────────────────────────────────────┘│ │
│                                      │ │
│ default_aes: "color" => "species" ───┼─┘
│ plot_data: penguins                  │
│ axis: (height = 400, width = 600)    │

Data comes from the "data" value in the geom's arg dict if available (it's not), and from plot_data in the ggplot otherwise:

ggplot object
| geoms =                              │
│| visual = nothing                   ││
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: "method" => "lm"             ││
││ analysis: AlgebraOfGraphics.linear ││
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│| visual = :Scatter                  ││
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: Dict()                       ││
││ analysis: nothing                  ││
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│                                      │
│ default_aes: "color" => "species"    │
│ plot_data: penguins ─────────────────┼─ data(penguins)
│ axis: (height = 400, width = 600)    │

Visual and Analysis always come from the geom:

ggplot object
| geoms =                              │
│| visual = nothing ──────────────────┼┼─ no visual
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: "method" => "lm"             ││
││ analysis: AlgebraOfGraphics.linear ┼┼─ linear()
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│| visual = :Scatter ─────────────────┼┼─ visual(:Scatter)
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: Dict()                       ││
││ analysis: nothing ─────────────────┼┼─ no analysis
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│                                      │
│ default_aes: "color" => "species"    │
│ plot_data: penguins                  │
│ axis: (height = 400, width = 600)    │

So this all translates to the AoG code:

data(penguins) *
  visual(:Scatter) *
  mapping(:bill_length_mm, :bill_depth_mm; color = :species) +
data(penguins) *
  linear() *
  mapping(:bill_length_mm, :bill_depth_mm; color = :species) |>
  draw(axis = (height = 400, width = 600))

Which produces the plot! At this point, I was convinced that this was going to be easy, and I pushed essentially this code plus a PkgTemplates skeleton to a repo as version 0.1.0. How hard could this really be?

MIT License Randy Boyes. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language. Design inspired by The Monospace Web. Code for this website is available on Github.